Areas of Practice

Executive mentoring


Chairs, Chief Executives and Senior Executives of modern organisations face unprecedented challenges in their complex and often ambiguous roles. Many of these challenges are people and leadership centred and can prove to be intractable, personally demanding and stressful. Advice and support are not easily or appropriately garnered from colleagues, partners or friends.  

Focused on these sensitive people issues, we help clients address problems that are often ignored, avoided or remain unresolved.

These can be related to:  

  • Career transition

  • On-boarding to a new appointment

  • Evaluation and organisation structure of management teams

  • Leadership style and time management

  • Reputation and emotional aspects of a crisis

As trusted advisors our aim is to listen and provide a confidential sounding board to address such challenges. We offer a ‘release valve’ and guidance to highly pressured people, which can contribute to the quality of their decision-making, relationship management and success. Regarded as ‘safe space’ by clients, Turner Felix agrees an agenda of issues, both professional and personal, on which to focus.