A Career Counselling Case Study

The ideas, challenge and structure that Turner Felix put into the counselling both helped me clearly identify what drives me and also how I could go about addressing certain changes.
— Vice President, Major Energy Company


This executive had encountered the crossroads experienced by many senior executives.

He was highly proficient in his job and well respected within the company. But he was anxious for a change that would respond to his interests in public service, sport or sustainability and at the same time relieve him of a very heavy travel load that was impacting his family life. We helped him frame his thinking and focus on potential opportunities that would ’tick his boxes’.

We introduced him to an executive search company known to us in the sports management field who were immediately impressed by his skills and senior management experience. They were willing to present him as an outside candidate for the general managership of a well known sports club.

In the event he was not the chosen candidate but the experience was helpful in sharpening his focus.

He realised that, with our advice, a possible alternative was to focus on non-executive directorships in the sporting world that might allow him to establish credibility and also test the waters in terms of his interest. However an opportunity then came up within his existing company (thereby protecting his long established financial benefits) that involved him in the Company’s rapidly developing ESG strategy. This gave him linkage directly to the company’s CEO as well as high profile people and institutions external to the company. He is very excited by the scope of this position and by the opportunities that it may lead to both within and externally to the company.

We encourage clients to test out alternatives by talking to relevant people in the market, executive search consultants and other commentators. We also encourage them to explore and discuss opportunities within their existing company.

Having been with the same company for many years I found it both refreshing and exciting to work with Turner Felix in exploring potential options and opportunities about how I could expand, augment or consider a complete change to my current career.
— Vice President of a Major Energy Company

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